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Agatha Christie was an English writer known for her detective novels and short story collections, particularly those revolving around fictional detectives Hercule Poirot and

Miss Marple. 

Where better than her home town of Torquay, to join us on board Champers for an Agatha Christie style murder mystery evening !!! 


Everyone enjoys a good murder mystery ......... but who has been to one hosted on a 60ft motor yacht ?? Well here is your chance !! Champers is the perfect setting for a "whodunnit" so come along and join us. 

Get a group of friends together and come and have a laugh !! 


The evening should last about 3 hours and includes a welcome glass of Prosecco or Beer on arrival, a buffet style party and 3 Mocktails - (in keeping with the fact Agatha Christie

was tea total !!) There will also be a bar available for purchasing other drinks. 


After booking you will be allocated your character, along with a script sheet for answers to various questions you could be asked during the evening. You will be informed if you are the chosen murderer. A brief bio of your character will be supplied, so you will have plenty of ideas for what to wear - if you chose to come in fancy dress costume.

We look forward to welcoming you on board as your character !! 


Call us on 01803 362302 to book. Click here to find prices and the date of the next event !!



books on table
Poirot monocle
magnifying glass
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